I took down my Christmas tree today, so now there's a giant gaping hole in the corner of my bedroom. Maybe I'll just stand there several hours a day, just so there's something there. No, actually, I'm waiting for the perfect couch and chair to come along on Craigslist so I can put them in my living room, and then take the chair I have in the living room now and put it in the corner of my bedroom. Does that make sense? And really, it's all just a matter of time (well, six months) before I drive back to Minnesota and get my GREEN CHAIR AND OTTOMAN OF DESTINY. I wish I had a picture of them, just so you could see their epic-ness. Oh wait, I do. I had to copy these two pictures off Facebook (from my FORT photo album), so it might not be the best quality ever, and you might not be able to tell how green they are, but at least you can see a small bit of the epic-ness this way. Or maybe not, in which case you need to get some new eyes, homeslice! Because if you can't see the epic-ness of the GREEN CHAIR AND OTTOMAN OF DESTINY...well, maybe we just shouldn't be friends anymore.
Annnnnyway. I've been trying to solve a mystery that occurred in my apartment over the last few days. So while I was back in Minnesota, I found a little container of holy water that I forgot to bring with me when I moved out here, so (naturally) I brought it back to the Burgh so I could splash it about and bless stuff. WELL, I have a little prayer corner in my bedroom, and I put some of the holy water in a small bowl that I have (like probably a quarter of a cup or something). And...over the last couple of days...the holy water DISAPPEARED. Like, it's completely gone. I get the whole evaporation thing, but there is NO WAY it's supposed to happen that fast. Maybe God needed it for something super important...but you'd think He would have left a note. I guess it must have gotten soaked up into the clay or something. But seriously? That's WEIRD. I thought at first that my mind was playing tricks on me...but then I went over to my corner and gazed into the emptiness of the bowl and was like, "WEIRD. It's GONE."
That's really all that's been interesting in my life recently. This week is going to be CRAZY at work, because I'm getting ready for our spring semester kick-off this Sunday. I don't think I've mentioned this here before (though I've been talking about it on Facebook a lot the last few days), but it bears repeating because it's that hardcore. I've made a bet with some of my youth group kids that if 80 high schoolers come to the kick-off (that's double the number we had in October), I will dye my hair any color of their choosing. I'm so scared...I have a terrible feeling that if they actually succeed, I will end up with electric blue hair or something crazy like that. The priests at St. T's are pushing for fuschia. One random usher told me after Mass yesterday that I should do half black and half gold (go Steelers!)...but I specifically said any color, not any colors! If that were true, I'd probably end up with a rainbow on my head, and I'm going to go ahead and avoid that if possible.
Regardless, part of me is going: I hope they get 80, because it might actually be cool to dye my hair AND because 80 is a TON of people...
And then there's the part that's going: 79, 79, 79...
Peace out, folks. Keep in touch! Leave me a comment! Whatever!
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