Somewhere between Minnesota and Pennsylvania, five of my Harry Potter books went missing. I first noticed it when I got my new red bookshelf, but I figured they were probably just in another box around my apartment, and I'd find them what's the big deal?
And then one day, bored out of my mind, I said to myself, "Self, I think it's time for a Harry Potter book marathon." I was super, jump-in-a-giant-pool-of-spaghetti excited. Except for one small problem: I still hadn't found the books. That's when my search began in earnest.
I looked everywhere. I checked my storage locker, my closets, under my bed, even the drawers in my kitchen, but it was all to no avail. The books were nowhere to be found. When I went back to Minnesota for Christmas, I searched high and low all over my mom and dad's house for luck.
I was telling someone about this mystery, and they said, "Well, can you get them from the library?" I suppose the obvious answer is yes, but that's entirely beside the point, which is...
Where in the stuff are my Harry Potter books? I mean, we're talking over $100 worth of delicious, magical fiction here! It's just the strangest thing, and it's really starting to drive me crazy. Books don't just disappear like that. Maybe someone used their stupid wizard magic and went all "Accio five out of Jessie's seven Harry Potter books, and be sure they are the ones that are most expensive" on me. I wouldn't doubt it. Stupid jerkface wizards and their stupid jerky magic. Maybe I'll get a Dark Mark for my next tattoo. That'll show 'em.
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4 years ago
Did someone borrow them from you in college? I know where mine are so it wasn't me!