Alright, let's clear up a couple of things:
First, and most importantly...YES, there were literally hundreds of tiny bugs in the pansies and YES, they were out of control so YES, I threw out the flowers. So much for that one. At least I tried? Oh, and my dumb cane (I love saying that) has a tiny mushroom growing in the dirt next to it. I don't know how to fix I figure I'll starve it out--stop watering it for a bit, that kind of thing. A mushroom seems like something that really likes creepy, dark, water-logged situations. So there...we shall see.
Second, and least important of any detail ever...YES, I think I might have accidentally gone on a blind date last Wednesday. I mean, I can't say with 100% certainty, but I just have a feeling that we had different ideas of what kind of casual get-together this was...especially when he paid for my dinner. I went into the situation with the intention of making a new friend...but I'm not exactly sure what he was thinking about the whole thing. Either way, it was terribly awkward. I don't want to talk about it anymore. So let's watch this video instead!
Isolation During COVID-19
4 years ago
That's too bad about your flowers! I have a plant I got for my Birthday and I didn't water for 6 days, cause I was up at Lake of The Woods...And when I got back it looked HORRIBLE! I thougth for sure it was a goner, but I watered it good and it came back to life! Amazing! But I'm glad I don't have bugs! that wouldn't be cool! Good Luck with your next adventure! Such a wonderful idea!